Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Defragmentation is Prime Among Cost-Cutting Measures

If business could be boiled down to simplicity, it could be said that companies focus on two main activities: a constant search for new ways to market their product and a constant eye on the bottom line to cut operating costs. In nearly all business sectors, competition is fierce and only the fittest survive, so only those enterprises which are skilled in both operations win. A prime cost-cutting focus for any company should be on a seemingly lowly factor -- computer file fragmentation.
Today nearly all aspects of corporate operation are based in computers. While computers have raised business processes to new heights of efficiency, they still have limitations. File fragmentation -- the splitting of files into multiple parts on a hard drive -- is a main limitation, one which can bring operations to a near-standstill. Files can be fragmented into tens, hundreds or thousands of fragments, and each fragment requires a computer operation to access it. A file which theoretically should take seconds can take minutes as it tries to accesses each tiny piece. Computer performance becomes increasingly slow, leaving users waiting for data instead of working and completing tasks.

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